Who We Are
Nitya Seva USA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, public charity working for the upliftment of destitute children living in dire poverty in India.
Our goal is to help the children develop to their fullest potential and mature into self-sufficient, responsible and contributing members of society. We aim to achieve our goals in ways that foster long term success and ensure that the children will not fall back into poverty.
The program is comprehensive and our commitment is long term!
We raise funds in US and in Germany through Nitya Seva USA and Nitya Seva Germany for the four Childrens homes in Bhopal. These homes are managed locally through Nitya Seva Society Bhopal. Most of the money for the running these homes comes from donations from people like you and us in these countries. Except for the local staff at the homes, all the people involved with the organization work on a voluntary basis. There are no overhead expenses.